segunda-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2009

Bom dia!
Hoje apetece-me destacar uma das minhas orquestras favoritas:a London Symphony Orchestra, com residência artística num dos mais bonitos palcos para artes: o Barbican.

Aqui ficam os links:
London Symphony Orchestra > (http)//lso(ponto)co(ponto)uk/

LSO On Tour (blog) > ( http)//lsoontour(ponto) wordpress(ponto)com
[Que é actualizado pelo flautista da LSO Gareth Davies]

The Barbican > www(ponto)barbican(ponto)org(ponto)uk

Enjoy :-)
ana paula

(Imagem e texto: fonte LSO web site)

" Gareth Davies
Instrument: Principal Flute

When did you join the LSO?: 2000

What do you like most about playing with the LSO?: The variety of work. We do different things every day – films, concerts, CDs, education work, pop, jazz …

What’s the most difficult thing about your instrument?: It’s not very difficult, but it’s difficult to play well!

What has been the highlight of your career so far?: Recording the Star Wars soundtracks.

How do you spend your free time?: Being a dad. I’m also interested in photography and run a lot. But not at the same time.

Briefly describe what a concert day involves for you: Get up at 6.30am, have breakfast and get the kids ready. Arrive for rehearsal at 10 until 1pm. Quite often I’ll teach in the afternoon. The concert starts at 7.30pm, and finally I get to bed at midnight.

What was the last book you read?: The Very Hungry Caterpillar (to my children!).

What are your Desert Island Discs?: Strauss Four Last Songs with Jesseye Norman. Rufus Wainwright Want One. Prince Sign o’the Times. The Goldberg Variations played by Glenn Gould."

1 comentário:

  1. Cara Ana Paula

    Fiquei verdadeiramente feliz por encontrar o seu blog. Temos algo em comum, precisamente o Chalet Maravilha.
    Quando tiver oportunidade visite o tutti em
    Estou certa que nos vamos reencontrar muitas vezes por aqui, entreblogs, ou quiçá pelo Chalet.

    Abraço e até breve,
    Ana Isabel
